Thanks to our Capricorn New Moon on January 13th, we should all be feeling a strong pull towards soul growth and evolution. However, alongside our New Moon are plenty of other planetary happenings creating frustrations, inhibition, tension, and sudden change all of which are giving us great opportunities for development. In short, we are going through a period of change, adaption, and everything around us is shifting – while this can be scary it isn’t always a bad thing, especially when we stop to consider the things we are leaving behind.
Read MoreThe root chakra is comprised of what grounds us to the stability in our lives. This is the chakra where we feel safe and well-taken care of. Here is where our basic needs have to be met such as food, water, shelter, and safety, as well as our more emotional needs such as letting go of fear and understanding our purpose. When these needs are met, we feel grounded and safe, and we tend to worry less. This is the first of the physical chakras, largely responsible for how safe and secure we feel. Balancing the root chakra creates the solid foundation for opening the chakras above. Imagine that you’re laying the foundation for a house in which you’re going to live for a long time. A solid foundation built on firm soil will provide us with the stability we need to create a strong, sturdy home.
Read More2020 is almost over and while we’re all chomping at the bit to get it over with you should first, know this: The year is ending on a high note. The Full Cold Moon in Cancer is happening on December 29, 2020, and it’s going to bring all kinds of warm-fuzzy vibes with it. This Full Moon is bringing a huge desire to connect with other people, while being comfy and safe at home.
Read MoreHave you been feeling some intense energy these past few weeks? Maybe it’s been getting stronger these past few days? You’re not crazy, I promise. We just came out of Eclipse Season - and now we are going right into The Great Conjunction. It’s been a wild ride, to say the least. On the shortest day of the year - The Winter Solstice AKA Yule - Jupiter and Saturn will align perfectly. The first time this has happened in Aquarius in hundreds of years.
Read MoreAnother new moon is upon us bringing with it the promise of brand-new beginnings, fresh starts, and the opportunity to set wheels in motion. On December 14th and 15th, we have both a Sagittarius New Moon and a Total Solar Eclipse – creating a potent energy perfect for unlocking doors and creating portals. The strong, abundant energy flowing around this Eclipse may also bring some gifts and rewards our way. However, be aware that these things will not always flow freely to you, especially if you remain closed off - you must be open to receiving these good things and available to usher in the new.
Read MoreAs we say goodbye to Autumn we are gifted with a lunar eclipse on our last full moon of the season, known as the Beaver Moon nicknamed because this is the time of year when beavers are hard at work building their dams in preparation for the cold winter. On Monday, the beaver moon becomes its fullest, but there will also be a partial, or “penumbral” eclipse, which happens when the Earth, moon and sun are not perfectly aligned. So, what does this mean for us and our final lap of 2020?
Read MoreOn November 15, we'll see a New Moon in Scorpio – one of the most ferocious signs of the zodiac, which means this cycle is a time to transform, celebrate and full embody your emotional strength. This New Moon aligns with expansive, deep Jupiter and expressive, strong Pluto, calling for you to take your power back this season. Scorpio is an interesting and perplexing sign, be prepared for this New Moon to shake loose long-held secrets.
Read MoreHalloween 2020 (needless to say) is going to be one for the books – whether or not your plans have been tricked or treated this year. This Halloween we can look forward to our second Full Moon of the month lighting up the spooky night sky, the Full Halloween Hunter’s Blue Moon.
Read MoreOctober has brought us some of the most intense astrology of 2020 so far – and that’s saying a lot, amirite? For starters, we have double Full Moons this month with the full moon in fiery Aries to start us off, met by our Halloween full moon in grounded Taurus. All balanced by the New Moon in Libra on October 16th. Libra is an air sign, ruled by the heart chakra and represented by the scales – fitting as the heart chakra is known to balance the upper and lower chakras in the body.
Read MoreThis Harvest Moon may feel motivating, powerful, and encourage you to move headstrong towards your goals. However, it may also be creating some feelings of tension, aggression, and fear of rejection or failure. Now is a time to unclench your jaw, breath a little deeper, and get clear on the direction in which you want to be moving because while this Aries moon may get you moving, sometimes this fiery sign tends to jump in head first without first marking out a clear path.
Read MoreIn pagan mythology, the Autumnal Equinox is called Mabon, or Second Harvest. It is a time to give thanks for the summer and to pay tribute to the coming darkness. Known as the pagan Thanksgiving, Mabon marks the Autumn Equinox, when day and night are equal, making it a time of balance, equality, and harmony. In ancient times Mabon was a harvest celebration when farmers gathered hearty foods like gourds, pumpkins, grapes, and apples.
Read MoreThe Virgo New Moon on September 17 is the first in a line up of three Super New Moons over the coming months. This trio of Super Moons then leads us into a Total Solar New Moon Eclipse in December, which will activate and open a portal to a bright new beginning. New Moons are the start of a lunar cycle, so this line up of Super New Moons intensifying into a Solar Eclipse indicates that we are shifting into a new paradigm that will open on Eclipse day.
Read MoreLearning to manage your time intentionally to create space for what matters most in our life is important, especially as we work to manifest the peace, joy, and freedom we all have access to. However, I know this can be easier said than done because it can be so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of our days, weeks, and months until they all blur together.
Read MoreWhere Pisces encourages us to sit, dream and ponder the intuitive hits we may be receiving— Virgo begs us to rise, take action, and reap the rewards of our hard work. With the sun and moon opposing one another in Virgo and Pisces: finite reality vs infinite ether. The Full Moon in Pisces can either hypnotize or release the spirit. A true release of the spirit is a totally conscious moment, while the Virgo solar cycle represents work, service, and health.
Read MoreNew Moons are a time of reflection, this coming moon in Leo brings a much-needed sigh of relief, a boost of energy, and a new cycle of growth- offering us an energetic reset. Not only is this New Moon in the fiery sign of Leo, it is also the second new moon in a 30-day span after our Cancer New Moon on July 20th. After experiencing the past few intense new moons, this one certainly feels like a breath of fresh air, offering us a chance to focus on self-love.
Read MoreThis is the first challenge in my Self-Love 101 E-Book, and it is possibly the hardest one, not going to lie. But I like to encourage my clients to jump FULL FORCE into their self-love journey. I find that a lot of us have a fear of mirrors and this challenge is meant to break that fear down. This challenge is in place to start to get to the bottom of our insecurities and find ourselves, OUR TRUE SELVES, beneath our skin and what we see in the mirror.
Read MoreThe Daily Coffee Ritual is a perfect way to practice mantras and affirmations every morning, helping you make these reminders a habit. If you don't drink coffee, try doing a similar ritual with any breakfast food or drink – maybe do it with no props at all, do it in your mind or I strongly encourage you to write it down! I love doing this while I eat breakfast, it helps build routine and prepares me for my day all while practicing self-love in an easy way!
Read MoreOn August 3rd the stars give us our Full Moon in Aquarius and while summer is always a great time to be with friends and family, things have been arguably a bit different these days. Fortunately, the universe is preparing to send us some of those care-free, socializing vibes in the form of our Full Sturgeon Moon in the sign of Aquarius. Aquarians thrive on independence, rebellion, and originality. They often take pride in their progressive efforts, helping others, fighting for causes.
Read MoreThroughout my self-love journey I have often turned to books as a source of comfort, learning, and reassurance that maybe, just maybe, I am a total badass! Today I thought I’d share with you a few of my favorite books that I’ve used to help ground, manifest, and grow into the best version of myself!
Read MoreI recently went through a divorce and it left me feeling lonely, out-of-place and unsure of where to go next. Our room, now my room, has always been decorated with my ex-husband’s stuff, I’d never fully felt comfortable there so I vowed to myself during the process that I would make this space my own. Needless to say, I went nuts buying anything and everything my heart desired. The outcome? While shopping for home décor may not be a cure-all, I can confidently say that this space is mine and when I enter my room I feel at peace. This is my space and I am safe here.
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