Full Corn Moon in Pisces

Under the intuitive and mystical Pisces full moon, known this month as the Full Corn Moon things are seldom what they seem. You may feel a since of knowing, mystical messages coming through now have a dreamy logic all their own. But you’ll need more than just logic to fully fathom the depths of these unconscious knowing’s you may be feeling. This lunar cycle our moon in Pisces opposes the sun in Virgo creating a strong earthy signature as a backdrop to the magnificent, watery Full Moon rising.

Fun Fact: Normally, the Full Moon in September is called the Harvest Moon - but the Harvest Moon is the Full Moon closest to the Autumn Solstice, which is actually the first Full Moon in October this year!

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Where Pisces encourages us to sit, dream and ponder the intuitive hits we may be receiving— Virgo begs us to rise, take action, and reap the rewards of our hard work. With the sun and moon opposing one another in Virgo and Pisces: finite reality vs infinite ether. The Full Moon in Pisces can either hypnotize or release the spirit. A true release of the spirit is a totally conscious moment, while the Virgo solar cycle represents work, service, and health.

So how do we move through these opposing forces? We’re experiencing major shifts in the stars and receiving major downloads in the process.

Our mantra this full moon is: “I visualize my dreams and take action.”

            The mystical and metaphysically centered Pisces is focused in the Sacral Chakra assigned to the star sign Pisces and Sagittarius. The meaning of the Pisces chakra relates to relationships, sexuality and creativity. This second chakra deals above all with emotions and the human ability to feel and feel the things around us. During this time, we are also channeling through our pineal gland where the sixth chakra is held or what we often call the third eye chakra. Located on the forehead, between the eyebrows, it is the center of intuition and foresight. The function of the third eye chakra is driven by the principle of openness and imagination- two dreamy traits you’ll see often in a Pisces like myself.

But these intuitive hits we’re being flooded with during moments of meditation or even in our dream should not be taken on blind faith. After all, with the Pisces full moon amplifying everyone’s intuition, there’s a strong chance that your dreams, visions, and gut feelings are telling you the truth. The only way to know for sure is to put them to the test. This is where the Virgo season energy comes through, pushing us to step up to the plate.

During this lunation you may be feeling extra emotional due to the watery nature of Pisces. This is a great time to lean into these emotions, break down those barriers and discover your triggers to better overcome them as you push through the motivating Virgo energy. Be prepared, in the wee hours of September 2, the full moon will arrive in the intuitive and imaginative water sign Pisces, setting the month off on a dreamy note.

Expect to come to new realizations, if you’re looking for those mystical signs try finding moments of peace, meditate or practice yoga.

Click here for your Full Moon in Pisces Yoga

It’s a great time to work on balancing your chakras, check in on your goals, and make a plan to achieve them. Allow yourself to receive those intuitive hits and then use that information to take action. What steps will you be taking to reach your dreams? Let me know below and don’t forget to follow me on Instagram @nourishednatasha!

