A Chilly Conjunction: Jupiter and Saturn Meet on the Winter Solstice

Have you been feeling some intense energy these past few weeks? Maybe it’s been getting stronger these past few days? You’re not crazy, I promise. We just came out of Eclipse Season - and now we are going right into The Great Conjunction. It’s been a wild ride, to say the least. On the shortest day of the year - The Winter Solstice AKA Yule - Jupiter and Saturn will align perfectly. The first time this has happened in Aquarius in hundreds of years.

Are you ready to transform?


Even if you’re not ready - it’s happening. This conjunction ushers in a new era, a new cycle, a new journey. Combined with the Winter Solstice, which is the time where we come out of the darkness and start moving back into the light, it’s time to wake up from your slumber. From hibernation.

I see this new start as the Hero’s Journey - or in the sense of tarot, it’s the Fool’s Journey. The Hero’s Journey is a literal term + trope, that is used in most popular culture. Think of the hero. Luke Skywalker, Harry Potter, any hero you can think of. They follow the same path. The same journey. They are the chosen one, the take a leap of faith, and they embark on this new cycle.

So if you’ve been waiting to start a new journey - NOW IS THE TIME.

This is the time to manifest, to transform, to align with your highest self. Do that crazy thing that you’ve been wanting to do for a while. Something life changing. The universe will work in your favor. So take the leap.

Choose the light over the dark, as the Solstice encourages us to.

What journey are you going to embark on?

Here are your mantras for this astrological event - and yes, we have three.

“No, I will not block my blessing from the universe.”

"Yes, I am open to receive the light.”

“I will align with my highest purpose.”

Use my newest SPECIAL yoga class for The Winter Solstice + Great Conjunction to embody these mantras - and get some grounding in. Both Capricorn and Aquarius rule the root chakra - and with the Solstice on the first day of Capricorn Season and the Conjunction in Aquarius - we need all the grounding we can get.

Because as we embark on this new journey, while it does start with a leap of faith, we need to make sure we don’t have our head in the clouds and come back down to earth. The journey starts with a leap of faith, but is made whole with structure and solid goals.

So, what journey are you starting? How are you going to step into the light? Let me know in the comments.

And don’t forget, if you need help on this new journey and want me as your coach through it all - registration for my group coaching program Nourish Your Life is open now - and I would love to guide you through your Hero’s Journey.

PS. Did I mention you get a free tarot card pull just for applying for NYL?

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