Harvest Full Moon

It's officially autumn, and the first full moon of the season will be kicking off Spook-tober with the spectacular Harvest Moon on October 1st. It's one of two full moons taking place in the month, the other is a Blue Moon on Halloween. This coming full moon will be in the fiery sign of Aries, which heats up our more assertive and competitive sides, making us want to charge forward on projects and in relationships. However, it's balanced by the sun in the opposing sign of Libra, which helps focus the Aries moon's impulsivity with a relationship-focused and people-pleasing softness.

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The Solar Plexus Chakra has been assigned to Aries as a force chakra— warm, intellectual, and balanced. These people know who they are, they confidently accept their true personality, and integrity is especially important to them. If your Solar Plexus (third chakra) is open and working well, the success and happiness in your life will be self-adjusting. Because you also radiate self-confidence outwardly, other people will accept you as a leader automatically.

However, if your solar plexus chakra is not open, you may experience passivity and shyness. You may have begun to disassociate from your emotional life, so you only feel things superficially. People with the ram chakra as a force chakra can experience great fear of rejection, they are sensitive to criticism and may be biased towards other people. In this case, the Aries Chakra could benefit if you take time for yourself. Meditate or do yoga to get back to your inner strength.


This Harvest Moon may feel motivating, powerful, and encourage you to move headstrong towards your goals. However, it may also be creating some feelings of tension, aggression, and fear of rejection or failure. Now is a time to unclench your jaw, breath a little deeper, and get clear on the direction in which you want to be moving because while this Aries moon may get you moving, sometimes this fiery sign tends to jump in head first without first marking out a clear path. That’s why our mantra is:


“I will stoke & balance my inner fire.”


Avoid future pain and get clear on your goals then harness the power of the Harvest Moon and chug forward full force.

Full Moon’s always represent a heightened awareness of emotions and how we feel about our lives and what’s going on in the world. The Full Moon in Aries symbolizes a time where a new awareness of your identity is revealed. There is great potential for personal breakthroughs, realizations, and revelations about yourself with a Full Moon in Aries.

Aries represents self-empowerment, leadership qualities and a desire to succeed. The Full Moon in Aries indicates an awareness of how far we’ve come to develop and define who we are in the image we choose for ourselves. However, as a fire sign ruled by the warrior Mars strong emotions, impatience and short tempers are likely to be evident as we approach this Full Moon. Overreactions and violence are quite possible.

Need help loosening up? Release some of the tension your feeling caused by the built up of expectations, the uneasiness brought up by the changing of the seasons, and balance that solar plexus chakra by checking out my Harvest Moon Yoga: search “Nourished Natasha” on YouTube or Click Here to go straight there!

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