Posts tagged astrology
New Moon in Virgo

The Virgo New Moon on September 17 is the first in a line up of three Super New Moons over the coming months. This trio of Super Moons then leads us into a Total Solar New Moon Eclipse in December, which will activate and open a portal to a bright new beginning. New Moons are the start of a lunar cycle, so this line up of Super New Moons intensifying into a Solar Eclipse indicates that we are shifting into a new paradigm that will open on Eclipse day.

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Full Corn Moon in Pisces

Where Pisces encourages us to sit, dream and ponder the intuitive hits we may be receiving— Virgo begs us to rise, take action, and reap the rewards of our hard work. With the sun and moon opposing one another in Virgo and Pisces: finite reality vs infinite ether. The Full Moon in Pisces can either hypnotize or release the spirit. A true release of the spirit is a totally conscious moment, while the Virgo solar cycle represents work, service, and health.

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New Moon in Leo

New Moons are a time of reflection, this coming moon in Leo brings a much-needed sigh of relief, a boost of energy, and a new cycle of growth- offering us an energetic reset. Not only is this New Moon in the fiery sign of Leo, it is also the second new moon in a 30-day span after our Cancer New Moon on July 20th. After experiencing the past few intense new moons, this one certainly feels like a breath of fresh air, offering us a chance to focus on self-love.

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Full Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius

On August 3rd the stars give us our Full Moon in Aquarius and while summer is always a great time to be with friends and family, things have been arguably a bit different these days. Fortunately, the universe is preparing to send us some of those care-free, socializing vibes in the form of our Full Sturgeon Moon in the sign of Aquarius. Aquarians thrive on independence, rebellion, and originality. They often take pride in their progressive efforts, helping others, fighting for causes.

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New Moon in Cancer (again?!)

Our New Moon is giving us a second chance this month with yet another cycle through Cancer, but what does a back-to-back Cancer New Moon mean? The new moon often represents a fresh start, new beginnings, and it is a great time to reassess the things going on in your life or choices you may have made. These moon cycles grant us the opportunity to look within ourselves, question our own motives and in turn make those outward changes to be the best versions of ourselves. However, this month it doesn’t exactly feel like a fresh start, am I right? I think we’re all feeling this sensation of moving in reverse, like we’re all going backwards instead of forwards. Staying stagnant when we should be moving. Is it because we’re emotionally exhausted? Stressed beyond belief? Or could it be that now is not the time to be moving in leaps and bounds? There is a time to move and there is a time to grow, but we must also make time to rest, dig deeper, and reevaluate. Without this period of digging for answers we risk moving in the wrong direction. Cancer is giving us this opportunity right now, so what does a consecutive Cancer New Moon actually mean?

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July Full Moon in Capricorn: The Buck Moon + Lunar Eclipse

Does it feel like your life is a circus and you have absolutely lost control of the monkeys? I feel you girl. Life is constantly a balancing act. Honestly, how the heck are we supposed to keep climbing that career ladder while juggling everything that needs to get taken care of in your personal life? And while we’re at it, what is a social life?

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution, but there is a full moon happening this weekend that will help give you some answers. On July 5th we enter the Full Buck Moon in Capricorn, coinciding with a lunar eclipse. This full moon and lunar eclipse combo will force you to take a look at your work-life balance. Did that make you clench your jaw? Stop it! This is actually a good thing because it'll urge you to come up with some new ideas on how to balance it all so you can reach your highest potential.

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Summer of Change: The Solstice, New Moon in Cancer, and Solar Eclipse

We are experiencing a whole bunch of change, transformation, and new beginnings starting this weekend. It's the first day of summer, the first day of Cancer season, the first weekend of Mercury retrograde, and the start of a brand-new lunar cycle via the June 2020 new moon. This weekend's new moon will align with the sun in the emotional sign of Cancer, it is also a solar eclipse — which means that it's going to feel a lot more intense. Eclipses tend to speed up fate and bring about rapid changes in our lives. We're seeing this intensity on a large scale right now, as the civil uprisings against systemic racism are bringing about massive change in our society. But this weekend's eclipse in the sensitive sign of Cancer will also induce change on a much more personal level, hitting close to our hearts, shaking our foundations, and stirring up emotions.

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Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide

When Mercury is in retrograde, the usual channels of information are disrupted. It can mean that a piece of mail takes the circuitous route, and goes missing. For some people, computer problems get out of hand, even to the point that content or emails are lost. There will be misunderstandings, right now it is important to think before you speak. Remember to keep yourself grounded, don’t forget to breathe deeply, and practice this Mercury Retrograde Grounding Yoga, try not to get overwhelmed and allow yourself to feel your feelings. The more positive outlook you have on Mercury Retrograde, the better it’s going to be for you and everyone around you.

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