Full Cold Moon in Cancer

2020 is almost over and while we’re all chomping at the bit to get it over with you should first, know this: The year is ending on a high note. The Full Cold Moon in Cancer is happening on December 29, 2020, and it’s going to bring all kinds of warm-fuzzy vibes with it. This Full Moon is bringing a huge desire to connect with other people, while being comfy and safe at home. But more than that, it is both ending a cycle AND beginning a new one. All through the power of emotion.

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This is a time for emotional manifestation, let the flood gates open, and don’t be afraid to connect with your divine feminine energy where Cancer rules. Be aware of emotional fluctuations and channel that power to your goals and dreams. As we leave the year on a Cancer full moon, completing the circle started at the beginning of the year when we entered 2020 on another Cancer full moon – now is the time to nurture and nourish yourself.

If you’d like my help in nurturing those goals and dreams, and nourishing yourself - apply for my 12 week group coaching program Nourish Your Life. It starts on January 4th, and we would be honored to have you in our Nourishment Squad.

Now what does emotional manifestation means? It means harnessing those powerful emotions like love, ambition, desire, excitement - and using them to fuel your manifestation towards your goals. Emotions are powerful, allowing yourself to feel is powerful, and vulnerability is powerful. That’s why our mantra for this moon is,"

“My emotions are powerful and I will use them to nurture my dreams.”

In my Full Cold Moon yoga class, we work on both the Sacral Chakra and the Third Eye Chakra (both ruled by Cancer). Our hips are where we store our emotions, and we need to work on our Sacral Chakra to open the hips and let those stagnant emotions out. Then, we can tune into our intuition, our Third Eye, to trust in our power and manifest the hell out of our dreams.

Take the time to release the stress and tension built up from the last year so you can welcome 2021 with a positive fresh outlook. Don’t forget to check out my Full Cold Moon in Cancer yoga here so you can embrace the power of your emotions and turn them into something productive. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and comment so I know what you are taking into the new year and what it is you are leaving behind!

Love and Light,

Nourished Natasha

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