January New Moon in Capricorn

Happy New Year!

Thanks to our Capricorn New Moon on January 13th, we should all be feeling a strong pull towards soul growth and evolution. However, alongside our New Moon are plenty of other planetary happenings creating frustrations, inhibition, tension, and sudden change all of which are giving us great opportunities for development. In short, we are going through a period of change, adaption, and everything around us is shifting – while this can be scary it isn’t always a bad thing, especially when we stop to consider the things we are leaving behind. 

A new moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new 28-day cycle. Sun conjunct Moon gives an invigorating burst of energy and initiative. So, this is an excellent time for making a fresh start, turning over a new leaf, or starting a new project. You can also question old habits, behaviors, and beliefs as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress.


Capricorn is grounded in the Root Chakra; this fresh lunar start is inviting us to find our strong and steady footing (perhaps for what’s to come?). The complexities of Capricorn are ruled in the joints, spine, bones, tendons, and ligaments – essentially acting as the base to our body. It is in the root where we feel most connected to the earth, to source, and/or the Universe. If you are looking for more information on the Root Chakra you can check out this article here: The Root Chakra!

This Capricorn New Moon is here to increase your personal power and ability to influence the outcomes in your life. However, you may also be feeling an increased intensity and probing nature which will often lead to power struggles. Now is the time to gain insight into your destructive behaviors, obsessions, and addictions. The tarot card that represents Capricorn is The Devil - who represents our shadow self. Throughout this lunar cycle, you can expect complex dynamics to become clearer to you. This new moon aspect favors transformations and soul evolution. Initially, this will involve withdrawing and taking a good look at the situation. The re-birthing process will lead to greater self-esteem.

“I am strong!” 

I want to bring the focus to our strength as we maneuver all these shifts and changes, we’re experiencing not just on a personal level but also a global one. We are all feeling the increased tension and pressure to perform or show up in a certain way but I’m here to tell you that there are no expectations. You can show up just as you are right now, and it will always be enough. Discover the things that give you strength, find what lifts you up allow that to guide you as you work towards extinguishing old habits and making room for new, clean, better. 

This is also the time to create a strong foundation and a stable base - physically, mentally, and emotionally. Set your foundation for your goals, dreams, and ambitions! Like a tree, we need to grow our roots and make them strong.

Find that strength and a stable base with my New Moon in Capricorn Yoga FREE on YouTube where we will focus on grounding your root energy and creating a strong foundation so we can take on 2021 together! 

The January 13th New Moon is intense and complex with lots of planetary magic happening but like in any event, it’s about how you make your magic work for you. The key is knowing the best way to manipulate your energy, your strength, your power, and your magic to create an ideal outcome. What I’m saying is, you know what you have to do to make this New Moon work for you, now you just have to do it!

Remember - you are stronger than you think you are. You are strong enough to handle whatever comes your way.

Love and Light,

Nourished Natasha