Posts tagged full moon
Lunar Eclipse and Beaver Full Moon in Gemini

As we say goodbye to Autumn we are gifted with a lunar eclipse on our last full moon of the season, known as the Beaver Moon nicknamed because this is the time of year when beavers are hard at work building their dams in preparation for the cold winter. On Monday, the beaver moon becomes its fullest, but there will also be a partial, or “penumbral” eclipse, which happens when the Earth, moon and sun are not perfectly aligned. So, what does this mean for us and our final lap of 2020?

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Full Corn Moon in Pisces

Where Pisces encourages us to sit, dream and ponder the intuitive hits we may be receiving— Virgo begs us to rise, take action, and reap the rewards of our hard work. With the sun and moon opposing one another in Virgo and Pisces: finite reality vs infinite ether. The Full Moon in Pisces can either hypnotize or release the spirit. A true release of the spirit is a totally conscious moment, while the Virgo solar cycle represents work, service, and health.

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