July Full Moon in Capricorn: The Buck Moon + Lunar Eclipse

Does it feel like your life is a circus and you have absolutely lost control of the monkeys? I feel you girl. Life is constantly a balancing act. Honestly, how the heck are we supposed to keep climbing that career ladder while juggling everything that needs to get taken care of in your personal life? And while we’re at it, what is a social life?

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution, but there is a full moon happening this weekend that will help give you some answers. On July 5th we enter the Full Buck Moon in Capricorn, coinciding with a lunar eclipse. This full moon and lunar eclipse combo will force you to take a look at your work-life balance. Did that make you clench your jaw? Stop it! This is actually a good thing because it'll urge you to come up with some new ideas on how to balance it all so you can reach your highest potential.

full moon yoga

Buck Moon

This full moon gets its name from history. It’s called the Full Buck Moon because the Algonquin people, who were prominent along the Atlantic Coast and into the interior along the St. Lawrence River and around the Great Lakes, noticed that a buck’s antlers were in full growth mode at this point in the year. The July moon is also known as the Full Thunder Moon because thunderstorms are so common around this time.

Here’s what else you can expect from the Full Buck Moon in Capricorn and lunar eclipse this month—and how it can impact your life going forward.

Capricorn Full Moon

This particular eclipse takes place in the goal-oriented and authoritative sign of Capricorn, and it marks the final eclipse in a series that took place in Cancer and Capricorn over the past two years. The Cancer/Capricorn eclipse cycle began in 2018, and as this is the final showing in the series, we're officially learning our final lessons and purging out the last bits of energetic baggage. This lunar eclipse is sure to be cathartic. Look back to what was happening at the end of December 2019 for an idea of how this energy will manifest for you. The last time we experienced an eclipse in Capricorn was on Dec. 26, 2019, so this is likely to bring whatever energy you were dealing with then to a climactic closure.

Because this full moon is also a lunar eclipse, astrology-wise that means it’s a good time to press pause and think about life. During the full moon in Capricorn, you’ll spend a ton of energy trying to figure out how to "have it all"—whatever that means for you. Maybe that's getting up an hour earlier to get an early start on your workout, so you have more free time to hang with your S.O. in the afternoon. Or maybe it means actually scheduling in some self-care time to do a face mask or meditate. Whatever balance looks like to you, during this lunar transition you’ll suddenly figure out a solution to get you leaps and bounds closer to nailing that balance.

At the same time, you might be developing some new thoughts and opinions about the people surrounding you. Do you feel like your friends, coworkers, and even your community, lift you up—or does it feel lately like they’re dragging you down? If something or someone feels off, maybe you should be motivated to surround yourself with more people that are both fun and have your back.

Clear Out Toxic Energy

It's been said that the five people closest to you shape your success, your interests and much more about you — maybe more than we even realize. If the people we surround ourselves with affect us so deeply — on a fundamental, human level — we should learn how to attract those we admire while phasing out toxic interactions and emotional vampires.

lunar eclipse

Once you’ve figured out the perfect work-life balance, you’ll feel a massive sense of relief. And, while you’ll definitely face new challenges and will have to make adjustments here and there, making some key tweaks now will free you up to be your best self. As for the people around you, weeding out the toxic ones will do amazing things for your mental health. It could be as simple as no longer hanging out with a particular friend (you know the one), or even moving to an area that just feels more you. Whatever the deal, putting yourself in a happier, more positive environment will just make you feel more aligned with your higher purpose.

This weekend, take the time to get clear on your goals, set some strong intentions, and step into the clarity our July Full Moon can bring. Give yourself space to meditate on those intentions, make sure you really connect with them, as opposed to what you feel your supposed to be doing. Use this vulnerability to feel into your body.

CLick here for your July full moon yoga class!


What is causing more stress in your life than may be necessary? Is it a person? Is it something you just haven’t let go of? Is it you? During this lunar transition I encourage you to ask yourself the hard questions, it won’t be fun but the relief you can gain by seeing things at face value is worth it in the end. Where can you do better? How can you be better?

If you are enjoying these monthly full moon post please leave me a comment below letting me know! I’d love to hear what you got out of it, how the yoga was for you, and if any feelings came up during any of this. I always encourage you to share only what you’re comfortable with, but don’t be shy! You never know who else in our community might also be going through the same things. Remember to follow, like, and subscribe on YouTube and Instagram!

