New Moon in Cancer (again?!)

Before astrologizing our current New Moon, I decided to pull some cards. I shuffled and shuffled but low and behold, the first card I pulled was Death. We often associate the Death card with actual physical death, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Death is not the end of the Tarot. If you’ve experienced death in your life you know the power it holds, near death experiences push people to make life-changing decisions and yet we are all so fearful of card 13. You’re probably reading this wondering, what does Death have to do with the New Moon? Well buckle up folx because this months New Moon is back in Cancer for the second time in a row and that can only mean one thing. She’s here to lead us to the end of what is no longer serving us - and towards our biggest goals and dreams.

new moon in cancer again

Our New Moon is giving us a second chance this month with yet another cycle through Cancer, but what does a back-to-back Cancer New Moon mean? The new moon often represents a fresh start, new beginnings, and it is a great time to reassess the things going on in your life or choices you may have made. These moon cycles grant us the opportunity to look within ourselves, question our own motives and in turn make those outward changes to be the best versions of ourselves. However, this month it doesn’t exactly feel like a fresh start, am I right? I think we’re all feeling this sensation of moving in reverse, like we’re all going backwards instead of forwards. Staying stagnant when we should be moving. Is it because we’re emotionally exhausted? Stressed beyond belief? Or could it be that now is not the time to be moving in leaps and bounds? There is a time to move and there is a time to grow, but we must also make time to rest, dig deeper, and reevaluate. Without this period of digging for answers we risk moving in the wrong direction.

Cancer is giving us this opportunity right now, so what does a consecutive Cancer New Moon actually mean? If last month’s New Moon in Cancer was a fresh new beginning, this month’s New Moon in Cancer is signaling an ending. Here we are being graced with the closing of a door, which is not always a bad thing. Have you been fighting with your relatives? Stuck in a hole you can’t climb out of? Feeling like every day is Groundhogs day? Prepare for death as the healing.

As mentioned before, in tarot Death does not often signify the passing of life but rather, the death of a moment, a feeling, or a belief. We pair this with our consecutive New Moon’s in Cancer and what we are seeing is the end of a chapter but not quite the closing of a book. You will move on, you will recover, you will be okay… but it’s going to suck. It’s may feel like parts of you are dying, letting go of those long held beliefs is never easy. It’s going to feel like you’re throwing yourself to the wolves, but you have to trust yourself. Nobody knows what is best for you, except you. Learn to discern the pain from the present because too often, the pain we feel is not rooted in our daily lives. We are holding on to poison and it’s effecting our mental health, let it go. Let it transform with the moon. Let it transform through death as the healing. Let it happen or you’re only going to prolong your suffering because death is coming whether we welcome it or not.

Once what no longer serves us has died, harness the heightened emotions and energies - and TRANSMUTE them into power and the force you need to follow your goals and dreams.

What is most important to consider now is that this is a collective death and we are all in this together. We are all experiencing pain right now, we are all suffering and while it’s not anyone’s responsibility to heal another person maybe there are things, we can do to not make it worse. The feelings of unrest and upset might be a direct result of the state of our world today — with a global pandemic and a heavy feeling of uncertainty weighing over us, it’s no wonder we’ve all been experiencing unease.

Mercury Retrograde has ended but we can’t forget the lessons it brings us. You may be feeling vulnerable, emotional, and raw right now as we ride the waves of retrograde. Mercury gave us time to see what needs to be taken care of and mostly what is important to you in your heart, as Cancer rules our caring and compassion. Be gentle, treat other with kindness, many of us are also coping with the changes around us and the shifts in energy that has caused unrest and upset in our lives. It may feel like you’re alone right now, but you’re not. We are all suffering together and it’s exhausting, on a global level. So, what can we do to find relief and not prolong this collective pain?

Tap into your 3rd eye chakra. Located in between the brows, the third eye chakra is the sixth of your seven chakras. The Sanskrit name translates to “perceiving” or “command”, which is a fitting name for this chakra, as the third eye chakra is responsible for how you perceive the world. The energy of the third eye chakra starts in-between your brows, just above the bridge of your nose. This chakra is responsible for the link between your mind and the outer world, embodying your ability to see both the inner and outer worlds. This allows you to experience clear thought and self-reflection.

Your sixth chakra is motivated by knowledge, reflection, and intuition. The third eye chakra symbolizes your connection to wisdom and insight, allowing you to access the inner guidance that comes from deep within your being. This enables you to cut through illusion and access deeper truths.

The gift of your sixth chakra is the ability to be mindful and live in the present moment. Your third eye chakra is the center of your intuition and wisdom, allowing you to open your mind to deeper understandings and expand your intuition. When your third eye chakra is balanced, it gives you the ability to self-reflect and to not only see the world but understand it.

Open up to Wisdom — Opening yourself up to new ideas and understanding can help restore the harmonious flow of energy in your third eye chakra. This wisdom can come from others, or you can dive into your own insight and inner knowledge. Try reading new books with different perspectives and take time to journal your own thoughts.

Get Outside — The third eye chakra is highly influenced by the element of light. This is not limited to light from the sun, but the light from the stars and the moon as well. Getting outside on sunny days or in the evenings of new/full moons can help restore balance to your third eye chakra.

Physical Activity — Yoga is a paramount tool in bringing balance to your third eye chakra. Yoga poses for the third eye chakra should focus on bringing pressure to the forehead to help bring balance to your third eye chakra.

Click here to check out my: New Moon in Cancer Yoga Class

Meditation — Meditation plays an important role in restoring balance to your chakras. Chakra meditation techniques are like traditional meditation techniques but focus on a specific area of the body.

Affirmations — Positive Affirmations are a positive way to heal negative programming that can be embedded in your subtle body. When balancing your third eye chakra, practice saying these phrases to yourself:

  • I am in touch with my inner guidance

  • I am wise, knowledgeable, and intuitive

  • I trust my intuition

  • I am open to inspiration and bliss

  • I am a connected to the wisdom of the universe

Aromatherapy — Aromatherapy can be a powerful and simple tool to use while restoring balance to your third eye chakra. Use essential oils that promote clarity and balance - such as sandalwood oil. Apply it in between your brows, just above the bridge of your nose.

Sage is great for cleansing + aromatherapy: White Sage Bundles

Crystal Healing — Each chakra is influenced by unique stones and their energetic properties. The third eye chakra is highly influenced by labradorite. When balancing your third eye chakra, meditate with labradorite, carry the stone with you, or wear jewelry with labradorite to let the energetic properties help restore balance to the chakra and amplify your intuition + psychic abilities.

Favorite Crystal Shop: Valley Crystals tell them Natasha sent you!

Remember to focus on self-love and healing during this tumultuous time, I’d love to hear what you’re doing to take care of yourself! Leave me a comment below letting me know! Remember to follow, like, and subscribe on YouTube and Instagram!

Love, Natasha