Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide

Chances are, you’ve probably heard the term ‘mercury retrograde’ at least once in the past year or two. Since astrology has become one of the most on trend things in our culture, we joke about mercury being in “gatorade” and how it can wreak havoc in our lives.

Here’s the thing: Mercury Retrograde isn’t going to ruin your life. How you react to Mercury Retrograde is what’s going to make or break you.


Let’s start with the basics. What does Mercury Retrograde even mean?

Scientifically speaking, Mercury isn’t actually moving backwards. It just appears like it is from where we are on Earth. What is actually happening is Mercury is passing Earth in its journey around the sun, so from our perspective, it looks like it is moving in the opposite direction.

Astrologically speaking, Mercury rules communication, logic, technology and transportation. So, when Mercury Retrograde strikes – generally we have issues in all of these areas.

The internet gets wonky. Social media sites crash. Power outages. Your ex hits you with that ‘I miss you’ text. You accidently say something you didn’t mean, or what you say comes out wrong. Arguments are more frequent, your car breaks down, you miss your flight. All of these things are common with Mercury Retrograde.

You’re probably here to see how you can avoid these things from happening – but unfortunately, there isn’t a way to stop it. Mercury Retrograde is unpredictable and the best you can do is be prepared for these things to happen. The most important thing is – don’t let it get to you. Like I said before, how you react to these situations is what’s most important.


Let’s go over some DOS and DON’T so you can have the best Mercury Retrograde possible.

DO keep yourself grounded. Grounding exercises can be as simple as deep inhales and exhales, a grounding focused yoga practice, literally sitting on the ground for a moment and using your senses to reconnect. This is a great tool to use if you’re having some frustrating Mercury Retrograde shenanigans ensue. Take a breather and get grounded. In fact, I have a full Mercury Retrograde grounding yoga class on my YouTube right HERE!

mercury retrograde survival guide

DON’T get overwhelmed. I know, it’s way easier said than done. But that’s how Mercury Retrograde wins and gets exponentially worse! When you let the inconveniences that it throws your way get the best of you. Of course, feel your feelings. But have some healthy coping mechanisms and again, grounding exercises, in place so you can keep your cool in those situations.

DO think before you speak. Plain and simple. Mercury loves to mess up communication, and sometimes, someone might take what you say in the wrong way – even though you didn’t mean it like that.

DON’T text your ex. Seriously. Just don’t. I know you were probably thinking about it, but Mercury Retrograde will probably take care of that before you and have them text you first. Remember to think before you speak/respond and remember why they become your ex in the first place.

DO check your travel plans, and then check them again. Give yourself that extra hour or two at the airport, triple check that you have your passport, make sure you have everything packed. Mercury loves to mess up your travel plans.

DON’T avoid traveling just because it’s Mercury Retrograde. I promise, there might be a few hiccups here and there, but it’s going to be ok if you keep your cool and quadruple check everything.

DO think before starting something new. Whether it’s a new business venture, moving to a new place, starting a new workout routine. If it doesn’t feel 100% right, then it isn’t for you.

DON’T sign anything before thinking it through and triple checking. Be careful signing contracts of any kind – from a new gym membership to something even more important like papers on the new house that you’re buying. You don’t have to avoid signing anything and everything completely, but just make sure everything is above board.

DO start to reflect on your life. The positive aspect of Mercury Retrograde is that it’s time to slow down, revisit the past, and see what lessons you can learn from it and how you can grow.

DON’T panic. I promise, it’s not that bad. The more positive outlook you have on Mercury Retrograde, the better it’s going to be (for you and everyone around you).


Mercury Retrograde Dates:


January 30 to February 20

May 29 to June 22

September 27 to October 18


Feb 17 to March 10

June 18 to July 12

October 13 to November 3



December 29, 2022, to January 18, 2023

April 22 to May 15

August 23 to September 14

December 14, 2023, to January 2, 2024


January 15 to February 5

May 11 to June 2

September 9 to October 2



March 14 to April 7

July 17 to August 11

November 9 to 29


April 3 to 25

August 4 to 28

November 25 to December 15


We will survive!

survive mercury retrograde

Remember to keep yourself grounded, don’t forget to breathe deeply, practice this Mercury Retrograde Grounding Yoga, try not to get overwhelmed and allow yourself to feel your feelings.

This is a good time to reflect, revisit the past, remember old conversations so that we can learn lessons and grow in a way that only hindsight can allow. Last and most importantly, don’t panic. The more positive outlook you have on Mercury Retrograde, the better it’s going to be for you and everyone around you.

Was this Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide helpful for you? I’d love to hear what you got out of it, leave me a comment below letting me know! Remember to follow, like, and subscribe on YouTube and Instagram!

Love, Natasha