Full Moon in Sagittarius + Lunar Eclipse Ritual

We are saying goodbye to spring with the last full moon of the season as we welcome in the Strawberry Moon reaching her peak in Sagittarius on June 5th. Paired with a lunar eclipse, we are absolutely in a season of change both physically and spiritually. We are seeing the change in every aspect of our lives right now from our government to our jobs and even our relationships, things are being shaken up all around us, and with change comes uncertainty. What we can be certain about is that change NEEDS to happen.

This Full Moon paired with a Lunar Eclipse is the perfect time to speak up against injustices, follow your instincts of what is right, and show up in today’s world and the hardships that we are facing as best you can. Use your voice, your privilege, your influence, your platform - whatever you can - to make change.

Here is a complete link of resources, how to show up, and donation links for

the #blacklivesmatter movement if you are unsure of where to start: https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co 


Naturally, we are all more anxious and it’s putting stress on our relationships. Our Moon is opposite Venus retrograde which is not a good omen for love relationships with Sagittarius being the great bearer of open honesty. While unconditional love and patience may usually be the remedy, this lunar eclipse is a real threat to strained relationships. Impatience, sexual frustration, and lack of self-control could turn love to hate, resulting in impulsive actions and hostility. Be mindful of your relationships, impulses and thought patterns - think before you speak and use your voice to communicate how you truly feel, not to lash out.

Last month we saw the beginnings of a whirlwind as the grounded Taurus transitioned into wild Gemini and through this, we gave ourselves the permission we needed to feel. These emotions come from a place of uncertainty and fear, two emotions we often choose to hide. Why? Why do we choose to push away feelings of fear and anxiety rather than step fully into them? Owning our short-comings requires power during a time when we feel the most powerless, that voice in your head telling you to push through your feelings in silence rather than confront them head-on and say, “how can I make you feel better?” This full moon and lunar eclipse combo are giving us an opportunity to feel our emotions but first, we have to trust ourselves enough to do that. Trust yourself enough to say, my feelings are important and they should not be ignored.

This month’s mantra is: “I trust myself. I will speak my truth.”

As we bend into our Sacral Chakra where we’ll find our liver, sacrum, tail bone, hips, and lumbar spine we may start to feel these feelings of fear come up. The energy of the Sacral Chakra is the power of partnerships and how we begin to relate to others outside of our families. It is in this chakra where we allow ourselves the creative exploration of life and relationships, we allow ourselves to play with our sexuality and discover the power of choice. All things you may be feeling weak in as the lunar eclipse approaches.

So, what can we do to open our Sacral Chakra that has been blocked by the fear and anxiety induced by the ongoing change around us? With our Full Moon in Sagittarius this month we are given an abundant opportunity to heal the sacral chakra as Sagittarius is known to rule this part of the body. Below you’ll find a Sagittarius Full Moon Ritual intended to heal and strengthen your Sacral Chakra as we lean into the change we are experiencing both personally and collectively. Warning: this ritual may cause leveling up and emotional breakthroughs. We’re going to amplify that inner voice, surrender, and listen in the safe space we’ve allowed for ourselves to fully feel our emotions.

Full Moon Ritual

Ready to get started? Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Internet Device for Streaming YouTube

  • Yoga Mat

  • Water

  • Incense + Essential Oils

  • Notebook + Pen

Full Moon in Sagittarius: Sacral Chakra Ritual

  1. You can start by loading up this month’s Full Moon in Sagittarius Yoga Video Here: Full Moon + Lunar Eclipse Yoga

  2. Aromatherapy is known for its powerful healing properties that can restore feelings of sensuality and creativity so if it’s available to you, I encourage you to burn Sacral healing incense and essential oils during your practice. Some of these scents are cardamom, eucalyptus, chamomile, spearmint, patchouli, ylang-ylang, rose, or clary sage.

  3. Next, I want you to remember during our practice to repeat our affirmation “I trust myself” and “I will speak my truth.” Remember that this is your practice and you are free to lean into your body, you are encouraged to feel your emotions in their entirety. Let them captivate you, let them come out of you.

  4. We will be practicing postures that stabilize the sacral chakra. It’s important to know that blockage of the sacral chakra manifests through general emotional instability or feeling creatively uninspired, fearing change, feeling depressed, or indulging in addiction-like behaviors. Physical manifestations of sacral chakra misalignment include sexual dysfunctions. Be aware of your body and your emotions. Listen to them.

  5. Now is the time to reconnect with water as it tends to be the carrier of our emotions, both enhanced by the power of the moon. Relax in the water (bath, shower, other bodies of water) where you can and allow your emotions to flow through you in the way water does. Visualize yourself becoming cleaner, not by releasing emotion but by feeling and recognizing it. 

  6. Lastly, journal how you feel and then act. Speak your truth. Show up in the community. Write an email to your local representatives, support BIPOC voices, donate to a fund, use the resources here to fight injustice: https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co 

Simple Full Moon Ritual

I hope this Full Moon ritual can be beneficial this month as we step into our Sagittarius Full Moon as well as the Lunar Eclipse both occurring on June 5th. There are many healing stones for the Sacral Chakra, some crystals you can keep close by during this uncertain time include Unakite, Carnelian, Snowflake Obsidian, Orange Calcite, Red Jasper, Citrine and Sunstone. In general, stones with orange, golden, or red-orange color are considered supportive stones for the Sacral Chakra.

The animal designated to represent the Sacral Chakra is the Crocodile. It symbolizes laziness, insensitivity, and the danger that slumbers in this Chakra when not properly balanced. If you’re feeling these things, maybe you have some healing to do this full moon. This chakra can be a hidden danger, we must take care of it, as a symbol of water it can be soft and pliable, but also an immense power when out of control. If you’ve been feeling emotionally unstable, depressed, and uninspired it might be time to do some Sacral Chakra work and there is no more perfect time than now. Sagittarius is teasing us with his love for independence and spontaneity, you might be feeling pushed to learn and grow with this curious sign. Right now there is a great overlap in being curious and being intelligent, and Sagittarius is driving us to build a storehouse of knowledge.

If you enjoyed this ritual? Leave me a comment below letting me know! I’d love to hear what you got out of it, how the yoga was for you, and if any feelings come up during any of this. I always encourage you to share only what you’re comfortable with, but don’t be shy! You never know who else in our community might also be going through the same things. Remember to follow, like, and subscribe on YouTube and Instagram!

