Natasha’s personality is truly remarkable, and I think that’s why this program was such a game changer for me.
I’ve been running my own business since 2019 and I’ve been wildly successful on my own, making six figures for the first time in my life, but I realized how quickly all of that success can go away when I ended up burnt out, unmotivated, and depressed at the lack of growth in my business.
Taking Natasha’s NYB program taught me how to put myself and my business first. It taught me to coexist in a way that didn’t mean sacrificing one thing for the other (myself over my business or vice versa), and now as I prepare to launch my first stand alone software/product, the branding workshop, and the mastering the social media algorithms workshop have given me the tools I need to feel confident in launching and starting marketing on my own. As someone bootstrapping her tech startup this was a huge investment for me, and it’s already paid in dividends.